Friday, September 21, 2012

Post #2 - Utopia vs. Dystopia

Utopia vs. Dystopia

Since the beginning of time, every human dreams of a better life. Most of us trying to reach that goal by interacting with other people within a society. In ideal cases that happens in a good, positive way, but lots of time - unfortunately more and more in this century too - cruelty and negative behavior takes over. Every human are part of the same species and comes from a common beginning. That's why would be important for them to understand that - even if they are not exactly alike - they are equal.
We all know that, the human existence built up of a physical and a mental part. The mental state is stronger then the physical, and can influence our acts with good or evil thoughts. And humans can be quite evil. 
Since societies made of humans, societies can be evil too. That's why it is very important to fight against that. 
That's how we get to Utopia versus Dystopia.

The word Utopia comes from the Greek and literally means: "no place". But the English took the Greek word eutopia - because of their identical pronunciation - and that word means "good place". This is confusing a little bit because it can be misinterpreted. 
Just think about it!
Meanwhile we are trying to find the perfect existence the perfect way of living it's rather impossible.

I'm sure that everybody read religious or ancient books or some kind of myth what described how we, humans lived in the past primitive state, painting a different kind of picture of the way of life then.
Humans used to be very close to nature. They didn't have much needs or desires what nature couldn't satisfy. They needed and respected each other, so they had no reasons for war, oppression. They didn't know hatred or jealousy. They were simple and happy.
I think that's what everybody is looking for deep inside.

The problem is we don't know what really happened?! 
That's the reason an utopistic world often appears in fictions. Fictions that suggest that, maybe in a future or after death we will find a place where people will live in peace and happiness.
The first book about this ideal world was published in 1516 written by Thomas More. I'm looking forward to read it!

Now, lets talk about the opposite, dystopian world.
Dystopia as a nightmare, how it's usually described. In a dystopian world people's acts and life are influenced by fear, jealousy, anger, poverty under oppression.
Unfortunately in history, there are more example of this dystopian then utopistic times.
I'm thinking about fascism, communism, or other dictatorships which occurred in the past centuries.
There is a power in the society which control the country and its people by suppressing justice, freedom and happiness by stimulating fears. In a dystopian society people are alienated and individualism is restricted by the government.
Most people would obey and accept these conditions, except intellectuals. Therefore in this world intellectuals are strongly repressed. 
Dystopian governments don't care about their own people's safety or well-being, they just want to control them. 
This kind of "slavery" occurs very well in a famous - or rather infamous - fiction story from 1949 by George Orwell. The novel: 1984 set in Oceania, where its society is overpowered by "The Party" and its totalitarian ideology.
It's a very scary tale but I really recommend it for everybody to read it!
Just one more thought. However humanity is running towards a rather dystopian future, I see more and more people's desire to stop and maybe turn back to look for a different finish line.
I wish Utopia is possible. I wish one day we could turn no land into land for all.


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